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Global Insight

Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower

Joe Conrad is the founder and President of Mean Green Mowers, the manufacture of commercial grade battery powered mowing equipment. The manufacturing is based in Ross, Ohio that has a population of just under 2000.

FO (FocusOn): First of all, we appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. It is always interesting when we can spend time with an industry innovator.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower
FO (FocusOn): What was your vocation prior to Mean Green Mowers?

JC (Joe Conrad) I owned a fixed base operation at an airport, which included a flight school, aircraft maintenance, charter company and overall maintenance of a 200 acre airport. My aviation background influenced many of our mower engineering designs such as the lightening holes for reduced weight and light weight aerospace aluminum and steel construction for highest strength and efficiency.

FO The history of Mean Green Mowers is similar to many names in the power equipment industry as it started in the garage with a good idea. Tell us about how the idea developed into an actual product.

JC One hot summer day in 2008, an idea was conceived somewhat out of desperation, but mostly, because, it just “made sense”. After dealing with countless trips to gas stations, typical headaches from exhaust fumes, piercing engine noise, and continuous repairs to hydrostatic drives, belts and engine issues, we decided there must be a better way to build a zero turn mower.
When some basic research was done, it was quickly discovered that outdoor power equipment, especially mowers, produced disproportionally high harmful emissions and operated extremely inefficiently. We decided to put our creative side to work and build an electric mower that would be much quieter, produce zero emissions, have minimal routine maintenance, and pay for itself in fuel savings.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower
Like many great ideas, Mean Green Mowers was born in a garage. Not long after that hot summer day, Joe Conrad and son, Matt Conrad, designed & built the first Commercial ZTR, all electric mower. For the past years since, Joe, Matt, and a talented core crew of craftsmen have developed innovative, common sense, commercial electric mowers and have changed the way consumers view electric powered equipment.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower
Mean Green Mowers are proudly manufactured in the small agricultural town of Ross, Ohio, USA with the highest degree of strength and durability utilizing aluminum alloys, high strength steel, lightening holes, and modern bending technologies. Our patented mower designs and lithium battery technology provide the operator with all day commercial run times.

JC We pride ourselves on being the industry innovators, not only changing the way people see our equipment, but changing the way people experience the POWER of electric.”

FO The battery powered outdoor power equipment market is growing quickly but, according to some of the major players in the commercial field, the acceptance is a bit slower than expected. However, 33% respondents of the 3431 respnondent FocusOn readers that attended GIE+EXPO survey expect all of their commercial powered products fleet to eventually be battery powered. And they told us that just over 5% are already planning to buy a battery powered zero turn this year!

What is your guess for when the majority of professional landscapers in North America will be using battery powered mowing equipment.

JC Like most new technology, it can take several years for something new to become the norm. Now that the electric automobile is so widely accepted, the path has been paved for more rapid acceptance of electric mowers. Battery powered mowers will begin to replace retired gas/diesel mowers over the next decade. By 2030, there will be little need or reasoning for petroleum powered mowers in most markets.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower

FO How do you describe the level of interest at the 2018 GIE compared to when you were a first time exhibitor? (What was your first year at the show)

JC Our first show was in 2011 at GIE with our electric, lead acid model. Every year since, we have seen continuous growth in electric equipment throughout the industry along with increased acceptance from commercial operators. We went from hearing “that will never work” in 2011 to “that is the future of mowing” in 2018.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower
FO What do you hear as the main reasons why a pro landscaper is not yet ready to go with battery powered mowers?

JC With continual improvements in the design, run time, and power of our commercial electric mowers, most landscape contractors will agree that our Mean Green mowers are now just as productive as any traditional ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) mower.
The biggest factor now seems to be initial cost of the electric mower compared to traditional. Even though it is well proven that our mowers provide a Return On Investment at about 1/3 of their service life, it still holds many people back. As the prices of traditional mowers keep sharply rising due to air pollution regulations and the price of new battery technologies continue to decrease, more and more contractors will realize the benefits sooner and begin to switch to all electric.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower
FO The main players in the riding mower business all agree that the Stand On is the fastest growing secgment of the commercial ride on mowers. Are you seeing the same shift toward your STALKER STand?

JC Yes, we are seeing that our Stalker Stand-on mower is becoming more popular. It is the perfect mower to be using near congested areas with a lot of people (low noise) and detail landscaping due to it’s small size and maneuverability.

FO Are there commercial grade battery powered products, other than mowers, that we can expect to see from Mean Green Mowers in the near future?

JC We are very committed to making the best battery powered mowers. It is, however, easy to see that most any piece of gas/diesel powered equipment out there could be made in an electric version with very good results.

Global Insights – Joe Conrad – Founder & President of Mean Green Mower

FO In our discussions with manufacturers across North America, the lack of qualified workers available is the number one problem. In Ross Ohio, a town of about 2000 people, how difficult is it to find additional qualified people to work at your company?

JC We are fortunate to be in an area (25 miles north of Cincinnati) that has access to a good combination of workers from hardworking “hands-on” types to experienced engineers.

FO What do you see as the number one challenge facing the outdoor power equipment industry in the next 5 years?

JC Regulations against noise and air pollution will continue to rise as people become aware that there are battery powered options.

FO As a manufacturer in the power equipmnet, we expect you are are contacted with suggestions for new products. Is there any one that comes to mind that really made you shake your head?

JC In a battery powered world, we get a lot of suggestions of how to “make” power to charge our batteries as we are mowing along. Most don’t understand that it takes power to make power. So, when someone thinks they have an idea for the ultimate “perpetual motion machine” I usually just shake my head.

FO After the workday at Mean Green Mowers ends for you, what has made it a good day?

JC It’s always a good day when a new idea or a change in a procedure works out for the better. There is a lot of satisfaction in going out to mow the lawn with a mower that was designed and built by our Mean Green team!

FO Thank you Joe,for providing us a glimpse inside Mean Green and your insights into the future of battery powered products for the professional landscape market. As Mean Green and others are proving, battery powered products are commercial grade and do deserve consideration by professional landscapers when adding to their fleets.





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