Original Source: CNH
CNH recently launched our new AI Tech Assistant tool, which is dedicated to our agriculture and construction brands’ dealer and service networks. Designed ih-house by the CNH team, this AI-powered chatbot, makes it simple for its dealers to find technical answers quickly and easily.
How does it work?
The AI Tech Assistant tool simulates human conversations to provide the diagnosis and repair plans for CNH’s brands’ machines. This first-of-its-kind tool was developed alongside our dealer network using their continuous feedback. The tool scans through terabytes and terabytes of CNH technical documentation and responds instantly with precise answers to questions based on the input received. For example, if a dealer is having an issue with a particular machine, they can insert its serial number to ensure an accurate and precise response from the chatbot.
How is this new tool helping our dealers?
It enables dealer technicians to save time on repairs and even provides answers to technical questions about legacy models. Some of our older products, known as legacy machines, could have been built prior to newer technicians even being born, so this tool is useful where there is less first-hand knowledge. The AI Tech Assistant bridges knowledge gaps by putting the answers in the hands of the technicians to diagnose and resolve issues quickly.
Over a year ago, we began to look at generative AI to assist our dealers. We started in North America, running pilots and clinics around their issues to see how we could solve them with AI. Being able to obtain technical support as seamlessly as possible was a priority because of the time dealers were spending on the phone with customers. Now, an issue can be solved first time, without the customer having to call back,” said Andrea Rodella, Agriculture and Construction Segments IT Architecture at CNH.
Andrea is also keen to stress that AI is not a “magic box” and that not all information is ready to be consumed by an AI tool. The team must first create this knowledge base in a way the AI can properly process the information and provide the correct answers.
Daniele Maniglio, from the CNH Parts and Service team explained the challenges of developing AI technology in an evolving world.
Every week something new emerges and we are working to address these upcoming trends. The turnaround times from concept to working tool has been significantly accelerated. Today, we can proudly say that innovation and continuous experimentation are factored into everything we’re bringing to the market.”
The long-term goal is for this tool to become capable of far more than transactional communication and for it to be intuitive and conversational. Instead of dealers having to access many tools to perform their daily activities, this technology can get them interacting with CNH in an easy way through one tool,”
said Luca Rinero, a CNH Parts and Service Engineer.
By building CNH tools that enable technology and make pertinent information accessible to our dealers and employees we can play our part in helping them put customers first. As the tool evolves we will continue to work alongside our dealers to listen to their feedback so it can add even greater value to their businesses.”
adds Danielle Waterworth, CNH Global AG Service & Maintenance Development.
Brad works in the Shared Resource Center (SRC) in Fargo, North Dakota, USA providing the strategic vision for Titan Service and customer care.
“The AI Tech Assistant tool really is a partner in solving problems that we haven’t encountered before. The tool lets our employees find an answer without knowing where it is. The less you know about the problem the more this tool helps us. We are always encountering things we don’t know.”
Brad gave us some great examples of how they’ve been putting the tool to the test:
“There was a combine call to a Service Manager one weekend as the machine wouldn’t start. We typed in the problem and were able to quickly solve it over the phone and get the guy going. On another occasion a Product Support Manager sat down with other technicians and tried to stump the tool but couldn’t do it! We all think we are smarter than AI, but it’s an eye opener for them.”
Brad is confident that when recruiting new technicians this CNH tool will help to explain to potential employees – whether just out of high school or mid-career – that they can easily solve problems and get up and running faster. He’s really excited about the potential it is going to give them as their team at Titan Machinery grows.
“Our mission is to provide innovative solutions for our customers, this CNH AI Tech Assistant tool is exactly what will allow us to do that, so we’re happy that CNH responded to our feedback for something that would allow us to help our customers faster,” adds Brad.
What’s next for the AI Tech Assistant tool?
The tool will transform the way our dealers interact with our products and is further evidence of our mission to integrate innovative technology with our great iron. Since its launch in North America, there are plans to make the tool globally available to CNH authorized dealers. Pilots are already underway in Australia and New Zealand with internal CNH employees familiarizing themselves with it in Brazil and Europe as a step towards piloting. Expectations are that the tool will be live in four of our regions by March, 2025.