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Internet Prankster Fills House With Grass To See If Landscapers Will Cut It

Original Source: 92.8 Boston Rock

The internet can be a very strange place. You really never know what you might find and you can truly find anything and then some. There’s a viral video making the rounds right now of a YouTube prankster, Charles Ross, who installed a full lawn in his living room just to see if landscapers will cut if or how they react upon seeing it. It’s hilarious and is an incredible idea, especially if you’ve got too much time on your hands. That’s the beauty and glory of being a YouTuber, you have the time on your hands to do stuff like this and it becomes content gold. While most of the landscapers refused to do it, citing fumes as a concern, there was actually a group who was down to do it! Check out the viral video below. There’s both a short version and a full-version.

Filling My House w Grass & Hiring People to Mow My Living Room

Pranksters Fill House With Grass In Viral Video

That’s one of those pranks where it’s like, “ah, I wish I had thought of that.” However, not everyone has the luxury of being able to pull that off and there’s no way M’Lady would let me fill our living room with grass. It was never going to happen for me. It’s almost like something you’d see in a sitcom or on some sort of cartoon show where the family has a living room full of grass. You would never expect to come across anything like that in-person in real life. It would be pretty mind blowing at first and you wouldn’t believe what you were seeing.

Sometimes I think internet pranks are just clear and desperate attempts to go viral and you can see right through it. However, sometimes they actually end up being pretty funny and you can tell they’re doing it to entertain themselves. They want to see what kind of reactions they can get and that’s funny to me. I can appreciate that. It’s like in a show like Impractical Jokers where the funniest parts are often the reactions they get from the people being pranked and not something that the jokers, themselves, had said. They want to get that kind of reaction because they’re special and often result in hilarity. Finding and creating a situation like that to happen is where it’s on the creators to be creative and they certainly executed here. Well played.